Why study programming

Perhaps everyone will have a different answer to this question. Someone studies programming out of sheer curiosity. Someone just "got in the wrong place" (yes, and in our time many people do not understand the difference between a programmer and an advanced user, and even more so between a programmer and a system administrator).

Well, someone wants to make programming their profession.

And here the beginners have a logical question - what will I gain from it?

After all, any work is, above all, getting means of subsistence. Of course, ideally the job should be something you love - "and then you won't have to work a single day in your life" (I can't remember who said, I think it was Steve Jobs).

So, if you choose the profession of a programmer, what will it get you?

The main features are as follows:

This profession allows you to work from home - you can do your work on your home computer, and send the result to the customer. And the customer can be not only in another city, but also in another country.

This is quite a prestigious profession.

It is a very in-demand profession. A good programmer will never be out of work.

There are other good and well-paid professions. But not all of them are suitable, for example, people with poor health. If you can't leave your home very often or can't leave it at all - then it's unlikely you will be accepted as some kind of oilman or a senior manager. But you can work as a programmer because see point 1.

When a specialist in another profession will be kicked out of retirement, and he is still full of strength, then he will have nothing to do but go to work as some janitor or janitor. The programmer will be able to retire and do what he likes, because see point 1.